Eating Disorders and Gynecology
In this blog we’ll talk about some of the dangers of eating disorders, the ways it specifically affects us as women, and how to identify some of the signs yourself.
We no longer accept insurance. Patients with commercial insurance with out-of-network benefits may be able to submit their superbill to their insurance for partial reimbursement.
Message from Office of Dr. Cotter
We wanted to let you know our office has remained open through these weeks to help you with your gyn problems, although routine care has been delayed to encourage everyone to maintain social distancing, and hopefully remain safe.
As lock down restrictions are lessening, we plan to restore office visits for routine, as well as problem visits effective May 15th.
We are asking high risk individuals and women 65 or older, delay routine visits until July 1st. Of course, we remain open to all for problem visits at any time.
Although we will be open for all visits, office practices will be revised for your protection. The following are office changes to expect:
We look forward to seeing you all.
Stay well.
Dr. Renee Cotter, MD
About Dr. Cotter
Dr. Renee Cotter and her staff are dedicated to providing individualized, personalized care with gynecological and aesthetic laser treatments. They strive to stay current with the most advanced surgical and medical technologies. The friendly staff is here to answer your questions and help you feel welcome and cared for. They offer the following services to all of their patients:
- MonaLisa Touch
- Botox and fillers
- Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Incontinence
- Contraception
- Hormone replacement therapy
Once Dr. Cotter and her team have completed a thorough examination, they can create an individualized treatment plan that will address your needs.
Dr. Cotter and her team go to great lengths to ensure you have the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about the care you receive. That’s why they now have a blog - to help all women receive the best and most scientifically correct news about their health.
The office of Renee Cotter, MD is located in the West Hills area of the San Fernando Valley. Her goal is to provide you with the most effective treatment options available. Come visit the office if you have any questions concerning your reproductive health care.
In this blog we’ll talk about some of the dangers of eating disorders, the ways it specifically affects us as women, and how to identify some of the signs yourself.
Becoming pregnant is a big choice to make, and once you’ve made it, the last thing you want is to frustratingly try without succeeding for several months on end
This week, I want to give an overview of the Zika virus that has been so popular in the media.